4th Grade Strings
Look for information about strings class coming home the second week of school. Included will be a supply list with the proper size instrument for your child. Please do not rent or purchase an instrument before we are able to measure your child as having the proper size, good quality instrument is absolutely essential for success.
5th Grade Strings
- Good quality instrument that is the proper size and includes a bow and case
- Rosin (usually included with a rented instrument)
- Durable luggage tag to attach to case for easy identification
- Instruction book: Essential Elements 2000 bk 1
- Theory Workbook: All for Strings Theory Workbook 1 (for your instr.)
- Hard cover 1” or smaller three ring binder for music and check-off sheet
- Cotton cloth to keep instrument clean: a piece of cotton t-shirt works great
- Pencil with eraser
- Shoulder rest and bag (violin and viola players only)
- End Pin Strap (cello players only)
- Music stand for home practice